Thursday, August 03, 2006

ready or not.

it's been almost a year since i've been back from Iraq...someone asked me to write about my time overseas, so i did. i've decided to share it with anyone who's interested for a couple of reasons...1) i'm sick of hearing people talk about this is right and this is wrong, and Soldiers are bad people... blah blah blah....the majority of the people sharing their opinion really have no clue what they are talking about...its driving me crazy. 2) why not? could be interesting.

i probably talk about situations you don't want to hear about, i probably don't talk enough about other situations...regardless, read it and then complain.


Blogger Caulkboy said...

Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Looking forward to hear about your time in Iraq.

8/03/2006 09:09:00 PM  
Blogger GI Kate said...

Thank you! how did you find this blog so quickly?

8/03/2006 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Soldiers are bad people... blah blah blah...."

Hmmm...Yeah, I think I know one place where you've been getting those transmissions.

This is great. Keep it up. I'm with Caulkboy, thanks for all you've given. And despite what some other people have said, I believe that our soldiers are the finest people on this planet.

I need this blog. You have a unique voice and you're entertaining as all hell.

8/04/2006 09:43:00 AM  
Blogger Caulkboy said...

Sometimes I will click on the "Next Blog" on the top right of my blog and and just see what people are writing about, basically being nosey. I came across a blog where the picture on the profile was a girl who was "very easy on the eyes", so I started clicking stuff and somehow it directed me to this blog.

Is that your other blog page?

8/06/2006 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEA! Keep up the good work and feed us the info...

You are always welcome to take the advantages that has to offer including

Soldier Spotlight, Website Spotlight, Link Exchange, The Wall of heroes, and much much more...

Thanks so much for your service...

Dedicated to exposing and stopping the MSM from assaulting our troops..


8/07/2006 01:03:00 AM  

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